Fun Family March Break Travel Ideas

March Break is around the corner, which means you need to start planning some fun day trips or week long vacations to keep your children’s minds active. The problem is, finding sorting through all the possible destinations and coming up with a plan in the first place. Here are some of our top ideas for things that will be fun for the whole family.

Explore Toronto: Toronto is the capital of Ontario, and the largest city in Canada, which means there are tons of things you can do with the family. From checking out the mummy’s and dinosaurs at the Royal Ontario Museum, to exploring the technology, biology and physics interactive exhibits at the Ontario Science Centre, or even getting in some culture at the Art Gallery of Ontario, there are no shortage of things to do. The Toronto Comic-con even runs at the end of the week, which is sure to bring a smile to your kids face. You could easily spend a week here, and still not do everything you wanted to do. 

Stay at a Québec Ice Hotel: The first thing you are probably thinking is why in the world would anyone want to sleep in a hotel made out of ice? Well for starters, it’s not as cold as you think if will be thanks to the incredibly warm sleeping bag you are provided with. And secondly it’s kind of, ummmm, cool to be able to say you’ve done it. There is even an Ice Chapel, an Ice Cafe, an Ice Bar and a giant Ice Slide everyone can enjoy.  One of the hotels in the area also offers the opportunity to stay the night in an Inuit-style Igloo.

Visit a Ski Resort: With two mountain ranges running through the country, it should be no surprise that Canada has multiple ski resorts to choose from. You could check out Whistler in British Columbia, Banff National Park in Alberta or Blue Mountain in Ontario. It’s the perfect time of the year to go as well, as Spring is on the way, and a lot of the resorts close down shortly thereafter. Some locations will have more snow than others, but ski resorts don’t always have to be about the skiing. the areas generally have a lot of other fun things to do as well.

Laurentian Mountains, Quebec: While this area is known for it’s skiing during the winter, in the spring it’s known for maple syrup. Quebec is responsible for 75% of North America’s syrup after all, and it’s during this time of the year that hundreds of sugar shacks start appearing. You will find the delicious sugary treat on everything too, from deep fried dough to taffy. And you don’t want to miss the hot syrup poured onto the snow and rolled onto a stick. You will also find live, traditional music, pony and tractor rides and you can also take a hike through the woods as well.  

Kings Landing, New Brunswick:  This destination is located near Fredericton, and is known for their outdoor museum. Visitors will get to discover how settlers lived in the 1800s by exploring the village. You will have the chance to churn butter, make candles, spin wool and interact with farm animals. You can walk the village or take a wagon ride through it on a guided tour. During March Break, Kings Landing hosts their annual Sugar Bush event, which is when they gather sap from the trees and start making maple syrup. 

Photo: Istock

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